When you click the "Apply" button, you may see a pop-up message that alerts you to the fact you're changing all the files within that folder. Within the Properties menu, there is a box towards the bottom that says "Read-only." Click this box to turn the setting on. When you find the folder you want to change, right-click on it and select " Properties." This opens the settings menu for that folder, through which you can make changes that affect the entire folder. To open this, navigate to the folder through Windows Explorer. One of the easiest ways to set a folder to read-only is through its property menu. You can find a method that works for your version by following these steps: 1. How to change a folder to read-only often depends on the version of Windows you are using. Related: Q & A: Why Is File Management so Important? Plus Benefits How to make a folder read-only This makes the folder and every file within it read-only.

To prevent someone from accidentally altering or removing any information within that file, you could set the folder to read-only.

For example, team members may have documents that contain important client information in a shared folder. The read-only attribute is a type of security that can help protect important files or folders on your computer, and there are some situations in which you could make a certain file or folder read-only. Related: 11 Tips To Help You Manage Your Electronic Files Why would you set a folder to read-only? It's common for software developers to set important files to read-only so that users can't accidentally delete or change something that might cause the software to stop working. When you set a file or folder to read-only, you can see the contents of it, but you can't make edits to it or delete it. Read-only is an attribute of a file or folder that means you can open it but not modify it. In this article, we discuss how read-only works, why you might use it and how to implement it on your computer. One setting you can change on your computer to do this is read-only. For example, you can block certain users from a folder or prevent them from changing a file. To protect files and folders on your computer, there are several settings you can use.